Top 10 home energy saving tips

Creating a sustainable environment for future generations is a task that demands a collective effort from each and every one of us as human beings. It is great news that a lot of people all over the world are leaning towards a more eco-friendly approach when it comes to choosing an apartment.

Here are a few tips that will help transform your House into a living space that doesn’t burden the environment in the long run.

Start by saving water

Water consumption is one of the most obvious but often overlooked factors when it comes to minimising your ecological footprint. Swapping your showerhead for a low-flow shower is one of the few ways you can save up a lot of water and minimise unnecessary wastage.

Another thing to make note of is to not leave the tap running when you’re brushing your teeth or shaving.

Also, make sure you immediately take action to fix any leaks and faulty pipes that you find in the house.

Make the change to Energy-saving bulbs

If you’re someone who still uses incandascent bulbs, it’s about time you made the “switch” to energy-saving CFL bulbs or LED bulbs. Not only do they consume less energy and come at affordable prices, they also last a lot longer.

Avoid Harmful Chemicals in favor of Natural products

Whether it is a face-wash or a hair product,using chemicals in excess, washing them away and as a result, dumping them into the water supply can be very harmful for the environment. Adopt natural products for day-to-day cleaning tasks that don’t require the use of caustic chemicals.

Rags to replace paper towels

While we wouldn’t recommend completely avoiding them, limit your use of paper towels wherever you can. You don’t need a tissue every time you wash your hands if you have a proper rag ready to use (Just make sure that your launder it regularly).

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