How to keep your home pest free

Pests are always a major headache for homeowners. They pose a threat to your health and wellbeing, cause you to raise questions about your hygiene and the possibility of cracks and crevices that remain unchecked in your house’s infrastructure.

Let’s walk you through some of the things you can do to keep your home safe from the nuisance of pests.

Seasonal Checks

Cold winter months are a time when rodents seek shelter. You need to make sure that there aren’t any small cracks or tiny entry points for squirrels or mice to find their way in. It would be a pretty good idea to carry out seasonal checks that  entail a thorough inspection to make sure that your house isn’t susceptible to pests.

Remove piles of debris

Beware of moist and dark areas in your home. Wood piles and debris can become a breeding ground for pests. If you have a fireplace or a wood stove at home, then it would be better to store all your firewood in a separate place.

Seal all holes and cracks in the windows and doors

Thoroughly inspect every inch of your house to find any cracks or openings along the window sill or the door hinges. Make sure you seal them all and caulk over them nicely. The key to proper pest-proofing is to remove all possible entry points for these annoying little creatures to get into your house.

Place your garbage cans far away from your house

Ensure that your garbage cans and recycling bins are sealed well and secured away from your place of residence. This can be significantly helpful in reducing pests.

Keep your kitchen clean

Make sure you clear food away from all the kitchen surfaces, clean all the dishes before you go to sleep and sweep the floors clean so that there aren’t any crumbs on the floor. The last thing you want to do is turn your kitchen into a buffet area for pests.

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